AG 16 Applications of probability theory in linguistics

Hendrik Zeevat, Peter Sutton und Vasiliki Tsouni

Building K2, room 17.92

Kurzbeschreibung // short description

Probability theory has been applied to model linguistic phenomena across a wide range of fields including: vagueness, pragmatic reasoning, and inferring phonetic information from phonological categories. The APT-Ling workshop seeks to bring together researchers across different linguistic fields to address whether there are common underpinnings for these different applications of probability theory in the formal study of the relations between noisy, blurred, or underspecified information and the formation of categorical judgements on the basis of this information.


Organisaoren // organizers

Hendrik Zeevat (Uni Amsterdam)

Peter Sutton (Uni Düsseldorf)

Vasiliki Tsouni (Uni Düsseldorf)

Ablauf // schedule

 Do., 08.03.2018


Silke Hamann (invited talk)
Probability in phonotactic acquisition and loanword adaption 


Yulia Zinova
Ambiguity in Russian Verbal Prefixation System: From Lexical Semantics to Probability Theory


Lunch break


Paul Egré and Steven Verheyen
Vagueness, approximation, and the maxim of quality


Maryam Mohammadi and Ralf Klabunde
A probabilistic approach to the generation of conditional speech acts 

 Fr., 09.03.2018


Søren Wichmann (invited talk)
New short words and compounds in English: probabilities matter 


Simon Dobnik and John Kelleher
Probabilistic priming for situated interaction


Anton Benz (invited talk)
Inferring implicature from production: interactive experiments and a model


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